The Secrets Of The Gift Of Wisdom

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

This is an Abraham Lincoln quote: “I will prepare myself, and perhaps my time will come.” How many of you have heard that quote before? “I will prepare myself, and maybe my time will come.” Your time will come, whether you are prepared for it or not. If you are prepared, the time will reveal you; if you are not prepared, the time will expose you. Everyone’s time will come, and the aim is to be ready when it does, because the scripture says, “Lord, teach us to number our days,” so that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. The secrets to the gift of Wisdom

The Secrets Of The Gift Of Wisdom

The queen of Sheba came to see King Solomon after hearing about his wisdom; I Kings 10:4 says that “the queen of Sheba had seen all of Solomon’s wisdom,” not that she had heard all of his wisdom. She heard about his wisdom and then came to see it, so how do you perceive wisdom? To understand how you see wisdom, you must first understand what wisdom is and is not. So, first and foremost, you must understand that wisdom is not intelligence, IQ, or knowledge. Wisdom is not a degree, and none of this proves that you have wisdom. Prerequisite to wisdom.

What Exactly Is Wisdom?

What Is Wisdom?

Before I tell you what wisdom is, let me first explain what wisdom is not. Wisdom has prerequisites, and everyone begins with the prerequisite. If you do not complete the prerequisites, you will not be able to obtain wisdom. If you do not get these other three components, you will not have wisdom. So, ignorance is the first prerequisite to wisdom. You were born with it; you did not know your hand from your foot, your eyes from your ears, or your mother from your father. You did not know hot from cold, wet from dry, or anything else.

That being the case, what exactly is ignorance? Since ignorance is defined as the absence of truth, it is the absolute truth that you are unaware of. So, your life should be about solving this issue, which is your first problem. And you begin to solve it with this thing called knowledge. When Yahweh uses the words wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, He is using different words to avoid sounding redundant. When Yahweh used the word “knowledge,” it was not a synonym for “wisdom”; it was something entirely different. It was also not a synonym for understanding; so, what is knowledge?


Knowledge is the accumulation of truth, so you go and obtain information, some of which is truth and some of which is simply true. What does this mean? Truth is static; it never changes. What is true can be dynamic; for example, I am currently writing this blog in my office, but when I woke up this morning, I was not in my office; thus, being in my office is true now, but it was not true when I woke up this morning. If it can change, it is not truth; some things are true that cannot change, and so we must understand that the word of Yahweh is truth, and truth establishes truth.

The Secrets Of The Gift Of Wisdom

So what you must do is gain knowledge of the truth. And the more knowledge you have of the truth about something, the better chance you have of making that aspect of your life better. The majority of people dislike the truth; we live in a society that wants to silence the truth; you live in a world that wishes to suppress the truth. By the way, the truth never has to silence error for the truth to exist, as it will become obvious that it is the truth. But, for error to exist, truth must be silenced, because if you say your name is Kylian Mbappe, you know who Kylian Mbappe is.

If you say your name is Charles Williams, you cannot tell that lie around anyone who knows your true name, so you must ensure that the people who know your true name are not in the same place as you.

Knowledge Under Siege

They want to silence people. This is why political correctness is not just bad but wicked, and attacks on free speech are also terrible because they are intended to silence people. For example, there are only two genders—men and women—so there are only two genders, and if you are not a man, you are a woman. And if you are not a woman, you must be a man. You might like to be addressed differently, and that is acceptable for you and the individuals who wish to do so. But I am not like that. If someone truly believes something, they can believe it on their own.

If I feel something is true, I believe it entirely on my own, even if I am wrong, and I do not require you to agree with me. The world system is seeking to silence the voices of people who speak the truth that contradicts the world’s direction. It makes people feel uncomfortable that they are about to be exposed as liars.



So, ignorance is the absence of truth, knowledge is the accumulation of truth, and understanding is a new prerequisite. What exactly is comprehension? Understanding is the assimilation of truth. So, you have not only accumulated the truth but also comprehended it through assimilation. You understand what it means. See, here is what is interesting: You can know without understanding it, which, incidentally, is one of the biggest issues with what I refer to as the mis-educational, mis-directional system, also known as government indoctrination camps, schools, child prisons, or whatever you want to call it.

The Secrets Of The Gift Of Wisdom

That is one of the issues I have with that system, and by the way, while I love teachers, I despise the system. “Because the system is designed to teach you what to think rather than how to think.” They do not want you to think; they simply want you to remember what they said to you. So, you can understand how to do something, but not why it works. Most people know things, but they do not understand what they know. One of the things you must do is make sure that when you are accumulating knowledge, you are praying for Yahweh to give you an understanding of the knowledge you are accumulating.

After you have these three prerequisites, you can then have wisdom. What exactly is wisdom?

Wisdom Defined

Insight Into Wisdom

The word wisdom, by the way, is a Greek word that means the application of truth. So, if you look up the word wisdom in the Old Testament, you will see that it does not translate into our modern-day words intelligence, education, or IQ, but rather into our modern-day word skill. That is why the queen of Sheba could see Solomon’s wisdom; she saw the skill with which King Solomon had set up his court. Knowledge comes first; you cannot know without learning. You cannot apply something you do not understand, and you cannot have wisdom without the ability to put it into practice.

Applying is one thing, but practising is a different matter. You can use prayer as an example by praying because someone told you that it is vital, a priority, and necessary. You acknowledge that and say, “Okay, I agree.” As a result, you understand, you pray, and your life becomes more in line with Yahweh.

Call to Action

Time To Take Action

You set aside some time and pray; this is known as “applying.” You are still not a prayer practitioner; what are you going to do tomorrow and the next day? You prayed once, which implies you applied it, but you are not a practitioner because you do not pray daily. Yeshua declared, “If any man hears His commandments and practices them,” he will live a good and holy life.” You applied what you heard but did not put it into practice. And Yeshua was very specific. He said, “If any man practices my laws, he shall have good success.” Yahweh is saying that you applied but are not consistently practising, so you must be cautious.

Yahweh desires a way of life rather than a life. There is a distinction; you must not only understand and apply Yahweh’s laws, but you must also practice them. What do you need to practice? Yahweh’s principles, laws, commands, and decrees.

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As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

4 thoughts on “The Secrets Of The Gift Of Wisdom”

  1. Woah this is super powerful and I can conform that the more time i spend with God the more wisdom he gives me. Sometimes I do not understand and sometimes i do but i have learnt that what i dont not understand to apply because if i learn something i all ready know am i really gaining wisdom??

    To be a wise is to know that you know not and that there is always more to learn and you can not learn something you already know.

    You cant learn to walk if you already know how to walk and you cant learn to talk if you already know how to talk.
    Super super powerful

    Thank you Jerry and GOD bless you sir

    1. jerry.botwe

      Good afternoon ambassador I am glad this has touched you, I am grateful for your feedback and support. remember to share the good news with your friends and family by sending them a link to this blog.

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