How Can We Make The Most of The Times and Seasons of Life?

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

How can we make the most of the times and seasons of life? The goal of this blog is to help you understand “how we can make the most of the times and seasons of life” so you know what to do. This is about the sons of Issachar, as recorded in 1 Chronicles 12:32. I am sure you have heard this reference before, but I want to state it: it says that this tribe of Israel had a unique position; that they were able to comprehend, understand, read, or perceive the times or the season in which they were living.

How can we make the most of the times and seasons of life?

They were able to tell the entire country what to do, the implication being that if you do not know what time it is, you do not know what to do. It also implies that if you do not know what time it is, you are probably doing the wrong thing and with the wrong people. You know what to do when you know the times and the season.


If life is measured in terms of time, then wasting time is life abuse; wasting time is a life without meaning. We measure our brief existence on Earth in terms of time. What exactly is time? Time is a break in eternity—a brief instance of eternity with measurement. Why did Yahweh create time? What was His motivation for creating time? Yahweh made time. He created time for men, but He does not live in time. Consequently, you have to exercise caution when dealing with Yahweh. Since, although He created time, He does not live in time.

How can we make the most of the times and seasons of life?

He placed you in time so that when Yahweh deals with you, He can see the end from the beginning, even if it is in the middle. So, when He speaks to you, He is speaking about something you are about to do, so when Yahweh says to be cool, you know it will be fine because He knows what is going to happen. Yahweh tells us to get ready, but He also tells us that something is about to happen, so we should prepare ourselves. He is known as the Alpha and Omega because He sees the end from the beginning. But why did Yahweh create time in the first place?

Time And Seasons of life.

I want to draw your attention to a well-known passage in Ecclesiastes chapter 3, which is one of my favourite verses. This chapter reveals a struggle for me, but I want you to read verse 1 because it explains why Yahweh gave you time. “It says to everything there is a season and a time for everything under heaven.” Let’s double-check because it is very serious. It says to everything there is a season,” which means everything has a season. If it is a thing, it has a season, and the next line says, “Unto every purpose, there is a time under heaven.”

Yahweh is saying that everything He created has a purpose, and that purpose has time attached to it to fulfil its purpose.

Purpose and Season

Everything in this world, including you, was created for a specific purpose, and that purpose has a season attached to it. And there comes a time when that thing is supposed to serve its purpose. As a result, time was created for your purpose to be fulfilled; please keep in mind that time was made for a purpose to be fulfilled. This also suggests that whenever Yahweh creates something on this planet, he assigns a specific amount of time to it. As it is written in this verse, “Unto every purpose under heaven there is a time.”

For every purpose under heaven, there is an allotted amount of time, which means you were born to do something, and you do not have forever to do it.

How can we make the most of the times and seasons of life?

Time Waits For No Man.

When Yahweh moved you from eternity and placed you in time, He bound you to a season. That means you have no time to waste because time will not wait for you to find your purpose. If you do not know why you were born, life will pass you by, and if you find your purpose at the age of ninety, it will be too late. This is why the Bible says in the same book, in the twelfth chapter, “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth.” Why? You want to find Yahweh to discover your life’s purpose while you are still young. To give you the time to complete your assignment.

How can we make the most of the times and seasons of life?

So, you make good use of your time; time was given to you to fulfil your mission, and time was manifested to work in seasons. It is critical to recognise that time manifests itself in seasons; time is a period of duration that Yahweh has put us in. For example, a year can be measured in terms of winter, spring, summer, and autumn. So, the year is the time for the manifestation of seasons, and when seasons change within time, you must change with them, which means that everyone is born in time, but everyone must capture this season. When winter arrives, you do not wear swimwear; when summer arrives, you do not put on your winter coat.

In other words, when the seasons shift, you must adjust; everything is time, but it manifests itself in seasons. How does Yahweh measure time? This is a critical question. How does Yahweh measure your life?

What Did You Do With Your Life?

The solution is very easy. Yahweh does not measure your existence by your chronological age; rather, He measures it in terms of purpose. Personally, Yahweh does not care how old you are. He is not impressed that you are seventy years old or older. Getting old cannot incriminate you because Yahweh’s question is never how old you are. That is not something you will find in the Bible. His query is, “What have you done with your time?” Let me try again. You see, the true measure of life is not its length but its benevolence.

Your existence should not be described in terms of length but rather in terms of contributions; what matters is what you accomplished while you were alive, not how long you lived.

Call To Action

Yahweh is curious about what you did with your time. Because Yeshua said in the judgement, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Your life should be measured not by how long you live but by how effectively you live, which is why you need to capture your purpose so you can maximise your season and fulfil your time. You were born with a purpose, which makes you accountable for your life and allows you to live effectively.

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As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
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