Discipline Is The Reward That Leads To Success.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Self discipline attributes


The Trap of “Mere Talk”

Man slouching on sofa

Understanding Profit Beyond Money

Conquering the Enemy Within

Self-disciplined in training

Building a Life of Discipline: Habits That Stick

The Power of Consistency

Discipline Is The Reward That Leads To Success

How Self-Control Impacts Every Area Of Life

Shifting Your Mindset

Brain reset

Embracing Discipline as a Way of Life

Conclusion: Choose Discipline, Reap Success

Group of 4 reaching mountain summit

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

4 thoughts on “Discipline Is The Reward That Leads To Success.”

  1. Hey Mr Jerry Sir,
    I completely agree with everything you wrote. Im finding that the more things I do and the more often i do them it does get easier and that these things become habits. One issue i am having is time management but i have found the best way to deal with a lack of time is to just dive straight into what i need to do because if i do want i need to do asap then i will have more time and this is what you decribe as discipline. Working towards acheiving your goals does build confidence and builds others confidence in you also.

    One thing i am struggling with is just like the boy waking up in the morning because i love my sleep and because i work so hard i need my rest but i have started to prepare better and sort things out the night before so i can sleep for longer and not miss out on what i need in the morning, which is hard but guess what it takes…..Discipline lol the key to success

    Thanks for all the information, understanding and wisdom

    1. jerry.botwe

      Thank you ambassador for sharing your story, if you can master disciplining yourself there is no limit to where you can go. Really appreciate your support

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