Attitude Is The Quick Way To Altitude. We are shaped by the way we think. When a lion sees an elephant, all it thinks about is lunch. Even though the elephant is ten times bigger, about fifty times heavier, and possesses greater strength—one stomp could easily crush the lion—the lion focuses solely on the idea of eating the elephant. It disregards the elephant’s size, weight, and power, believing it can conquer this prey. This mindset drives its actions, leading the lion to attack.
On the other hand, the elephant, being larger, stronger, and more powerful, also reacts based on its beliefs. When it sees the lion, it recognises one thing: predator. Because the elephant perceives itself as potential prey, all its advantages in size, weight, power, and intelligence are diminished by its thinking. Ultimately, this illustrates that attitude is crucial in determining our success. How we perceive situations can elevate us to new heights.
You Are What You Think
You Are Your Thoughts
Your mind is what holds you back. Regardless of your size, intelligence, or the number of degrees you have earned, you are shaped by your positive or negative thoughts. Your thinking influences your personality. This means that your mindset can make you a leader no matter how small you feel, how unintelligent you may seem, or how little you possess. Thinking leads people to perceive things differently; attitude stems from belief. You cannot have an attitude that exceeds your beliefs. Therefore, your belief system is what ultimately influences your attitude.
The lion reigns supreme, not just because of his formidable stature but due to his convictions about himself, the elephant, and the giraffe. He perceives them as mere prey, envisioning them as his next meal. When these creatures cross paths in the savannah, the lion’s deeply ingrained belief system dictates the dynamics of the encounter, infusing the air with tension and the weight of his predatory confidence. A proud person is proud because of their thoughts, while a humble person is humble for the same reason.
The thoughts of a good person contribute to their goodness. Ultimately, it all comes down to your thoughts. Some people constantly question things because that is how they think.
Attitude Is The Quick Way To Altitude
Yeshua addressed the Jews, challenging them with a question: “Why do you think this way?” He sought to understand the roots of their thoughts, probing the depths of their hearts to uncover why they clung to such beliefs. He emphasised that the nature of our thoughts holds greater significance than mere actions, urging them to reflect on their attitudes if they sought genuine change. He conveyed a metaphor, suggesting that each person is like a seed placed on this Earth to grow into a tree that bears fruit for the world’s benefit.
The essence of our being and the unique contributions they are destined to offer are encapsulated in this fruit. Yeshua acknowledged that within each person lies a deeper self, an essence often hidden from the world. He reassured them that their current experiences and actions merely serve as an initiation into their true purpose. Therefore, he cautioned against hasty judgments, reminding them that no one should be dismissed or labelled as inadequate, for they are still in the process of becoming who they are meant to be. Each person’s journey gradually unfolds, and readiness will come quickly.
Belief System
What You Believe
Your beliefs may differ from mine, but the Bible has profoundly shaped who I am today. Therefore, I ask that you treat it with respect. If you genuinely wish to change your thinking, the Bible is a valuable tool to help you achieve that change. One must first submit to Him to be influenced by Yahweh’s word. This means surrendering your heart, mind, and thought processes. As the scripture says, “Present your bodies as a holy and acceptable living sacrifice to Yahweh, which is your reasonable service.” Additionally, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is good, acceptable, and perfect in the will of God.”
I attribute much of who I am today to the Bible. The scriptures have challenged my thinking. No one can exceed the limits of their beliefs, so if you want to grow beyond your current situation, you must change your belief system. Your life reflects your thoughts, and it’s important to guard your heart with all diligence, as life’s challenges stem from it. Protect your heart vigilantly; it is like a garden, and you become what you believe you should be.
If You Do Not Like Who You Are Change Your Thoughts
If you do not like who you are, you must change your beliefs about who you should be. This transformation begins with altering your perception of your identity and your belief system. Developing a sense of significance in your life and recognising that you are essential to humanity and the world is also essential. Embrace a mindset of growth by renewing your thoughts with Yahweh’s word. In other words, let go of your limited thinking and accept His perspective. You might be surprised to realise that, like many, society has taught you to see yourself merely as a social security number or a worker within a system. However, that is not true.
You were born to achieve something significant in this world and must reach a point where you genuinely believe that. Belief is a powerful force capable of transforming even the strongest elephant into a timid sheep in the presence of a roaring lion. This incredible power of belief can lead us to recognise the many blessings in our lives. However, when talking about blessings, we are not referring to material possessions; instead, we consider something much deeper and more meaningful. What should we do when we encounter people who are so insecure that they call a confident person arrogant every time they meet someone with self-assurance?
It prompts us to reflect: how can we navigate such perceptions? Once you embark on self-discovery and truly understand who you are, you will realise that confidence is a by-product of a strong belief in yourself. How you perceive yourself shapes your thoughts, influencing your feelings and, ultimately, determining your actions. So, when someone expresses a desire to get to know you better, it is worth considering whether they are like fertiliser, providing nourishment and encouragement, or like a rock, which may weigh you down and inhibit your growth.
This simple question can reveal much about the nature of your relationships and the energy they contribute to your life.
Spiritual Weeds
The Weeding Of Your Mind
Proverbs 24:30 This proverb speaks about a person whose life is marked by inaction; they refuse to do the necessary work. It is important to look beyond just physical labour. The Bible mentions the concept of spiritual labour as well. It says, “And by the vineyard of the man without understanding, lo, it was all overgrown with thorns and nettles; they covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down.” This illustrates a man whose field is overrun with thorns and weeds—his vineyard, garden, and land are neglected. This represents a person lacking understanding; his field has been forsaken, and his mind has been overlooked.
There are toxic people in your life right now; they can damage your potential, preventing you from thriving. Have you ever noticed that some people are stagnant and want you to remain with them? Those who have achieved nothing often want you to partake in their lack of progress. This is why, to grow and improve, it’s essential to distance yourself from certain friends.
Seek Whom You Can Learn From
When you find that others constantly ask you questions, it presents an excellent opportunity to seek out people who can challenge your thoughts. Engaging in these conversations can significantly contribute to your personal and intellectual development. It is essential to evaluate whether you might be limiting your potential. Additionally, it is beneficial to be mindful of the choices you make. Engaging in negative actions can lead to consequences where those who oppose you might become more vocal or present. Sometimes, those you believe to be supportive can surprise you when challenges arise.
The environment can sometimes create fear that prevents us from pursuing our goals. It is essential to remember that cultivating a positive mindset can help you overcome these barriers. Consider consciously integrating Yahweh’s teachings into your life—by learning, reflecting, and applying those principles daily. Doing so opens you to a world of potential and purpose.
Spiritual weeds are growing. You are exposed to increasing amounts of information from the world, particularly politics and business, but this information does not benefit you spiritually. Instead, it introduces thorns and nettles, and your defences weaken. When you observe other people’s lives, you can learn valuable lessons from them. You truly understand a lesson when you witness the consequences of their experiences.
Mind’s Eye
Close Your Eyes, What Do You See?
There is a story about a man named Caleb. Moses instructed the Israelites to choose a leader from each tribe. He then sent these twelve leaders into the land they were destined to occupy. According to the Scriptures, when they returned from surveying this land, which had already been promised to them, ten of the leaders reported to Moses that giants inhabited the land, and they felt like grasshoppers in comparison. They did not take the time to question the giants to find out what the giants thought of them. Let me emphasise this point: they went to survey a land that was already theirs.
They encountered some people in the land and returned to Moses, reporting that they appeared like giants. They expressed that they felt like grasshoppers in comparison to them. Do you believe you are a grasshopper? How can they be sure of your identity? However, with its colossal size and gentle demeanour, the elephant mistakenly believes it is a tantalising feast for a small, unsuspecting cat. This whimsical misunderstanding creates an amusing image, as the large creature appears oblivious to its true nature and the reality of its surroundings.
Caleb embodied the spirit of leadership, which is fundamentally an attitude. He was not physically bigger or stronger than others; what set him apart was his unique way of thinking. This distinction is highlighted in the verse, which states that the only difference was their spirit. It’s important to note that “spirit” here refers to attitude, indicated by a lowercase “s.” Remember, your mindset is far more important than anything else.
Caleb possessed the spirit of leadership, which is an attitude; he was not a man who was bigger or stronger than them; his thinking was different, and that was the only distinguishing factor that the creator said made the difference. Read that verse again; he says the only difference was their spirit, which was different. The word that means attitude is a small “s.” Listen, your mind is far more important than anything else.
Time For Action
Protect your heart with all diligence, for it is the source of life’s issues. As the Bible says, there is nothing new under the sun. If you want to understand human life, read the Bible; people have always behaved similarly, just in different ways. You must nurture yourself to develop the right attitudes, and nurturing means feeding yourself with the correct information. Your thoughts shape you and become what you continue to believe, so I consistently monitor my thinking processes. My house is filled with books, as I recognise that you become what you think and cannot rise above the level of your mental conditioning.
I constantly work on improving my mindset to elevate my mental attitude. To change your life, you must first change your mind. If you find value in this content, I invite you to leave your comments and consider subscribing to my blog. Please share this link with your family and friends as well.
Feel free to read my articles “Wisdom from the Kingdom” and “The Word for Today.” You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram. If you prefer watching over reading, my YouTube channel is available. You can access all these platforms by selecting the social media gallery link at the top and bottom of the pages. I hope to see you there!
Hey hey Jerry
This is super, super deep stuff and im not sure there is much i can say because you said a lot. All I can do is agree and say that being a positive person helps with having a good attitude but if you believe something negative it can effect you attitude hence making you into a more negative person. So i agree that simply trying to fake a positive attitude is not gonna help its the mindset that needs to change first and this is done by ingesting positive things into your mind.
Boy every time i come to your site im dredding the long read but always finish learning something new and having had a positive interaction
Thank you Jerry
Thank you again ambassador for your feedback, I have taken your point on board and will cut the blog from 2500 words to 1500 words to shorten the read. I am glad you are enjoying the topics. Please spread the word
The length of this article is just about right. The advantage is that it leaves the reader like three quarters full. Full enough to go back to work and not too full to feel uncomfortable. You are left looking forward to next article in the series. Of the 6 or 7 most important words in life I think attitude tops all of them. The quality of writing is phenomenal. This top tier writing.
Thank you Wellie foryour feedback, every word noted and appreciate. Please spread the word to friends and family