Faith produces Understanding
It says that through faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by Yahweh’s word so that what is seen was not made of what is seen. Now, what is interesting about this passage of Scripture is something that I memorised when I was a teenager, where it says, “Through faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God.” I could not, as a teenager, fathom the fact that there is more than one world; it does not say the world was framed by the word of God. It says that the worlds were framed by the word of God. As a result, I had the passage memorised incorrectly, as the world was not, rather than the worlds were not.
I was at church one day, and this passage of scripture was being read. I was following the reading in my mind, and it got to the part where it said, “Through faith, we understand.” I was saying out loud, under my breath, to myself, “That through faith, we understand that the world was framed by the word of God.” But the reader said, “Through faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God.” And I thought to myself, “It does not say the worlds were framed by the word of God.” It says the world was framed by the word of God, and so I looked, and sure enough, it said worlds. And I am thinking, “Man, where did that “s” come from? It was there all along, and I had never seen it before.
Misunderstanding Scripture.
Misreading Scripture
So now, my mind is going crazy. I knew what the world was but not what these worlds were, and it says that the worlds were framed by Yahweh’s word. What worlds is it talking about? And what is so amazing is that the Bible is so true that all you have to do to understand what you are reading is just keep on reading. So, through faith, we understand that the world’s plural was framed by the word of God. So that things that are seen, that is, in one world, are not made of things that do appear, that is, in the other world. Now, before I go into that, I want you to notice a couple of things. It says that we understand that the worlds were framed through faith.
The first thing I want you to see is that Scripture says, “By faith, through faith, we understand.”. And one of the things I believe that this is telling us is that through faith, we understand. I believe that this is telling you that, as spiritual beings who are having a physical experience, you need to allow yourself to let your faith guide your thinking. Rather than your thinking guiding your faith, you should not be intellectual first; you should be spiritual first. Then let your spirit rule over your mind and your mind rule over your body, and your body rules over your assignment or your whole being. Your spirit, your mind, your will, and your emotions all rule over your assignment with great authority because you are doing it the way Yahweh set it up from the beginning.
Believe First Then Understand.
So, it says, “Through faith, we understand,” and people say, Well, as soon as I understand, I believe. But that is not what the Scripture teaches. The Scripture teaches that as soon as you believe, you will understand. Then it says that through faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God. What does that mean? That means that the worlds were framed by the word of God, and both the physical world and the spiritual world were framed by the word of God. And what is interesting is that the word “frame” literally means “completed thoroughly” through the word of God. It also means” repaired” by the word of God, and it means “to perfect, to mend, to prepare, and to restore.”
As a result, the word of God did all of those things for the worlds. I write these blogs because I believe that everything Yahweh has ever done has been accomplished through His Word. If He is going to do something for you, it will be through His Word; similarly, if He is going to do something in you, it will be through His Word. If He is going to do something through you, He will do it through his word. That is why I believe your life should be filled with Yahweh’s word so that when you begin to do something, you have a God’s eye view rather than just a bird’s eye view.
Yahweh’s Perspective.
Scriptural Perspective
The Bible gives us Yahweh’s perspective on how life works, and since He is the Creator of the whole universe and the creator of all things, having His perspective gives you the highest possible perspective. Isaiah 55:8 says, “My ways are not your ways, saith the Lord, and my thoughts are not your thoughts; whereas the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts.” As a result, you gain Yahweh’s perspective, and through faith, you grasp that the world is framed by Yahweh’s word through faith. So, things that are seen are not made of things that do appear.
This is the final thought in this last verse. It says the worlds were framed by the word of God. And the two worlds that it is talking about are the physical world and the spiritual world. Here is the emphasis: the unseen (spiritual) world is the real world (the casual world). And the visible world is simply a manifestation of the spiritual world. That is true in every aspect of life. What shows up through your life first shows up in your life, and by that, I mean inside of you; the invisible world is reality, and the physical world is the manifestation of reality.
The Casual World.
The real world cannot be seen with the naked eye, and that is the truth. It is so fascinating that all those people who invented new things and made new products for mankind to make your life better are people who can manifest. Manifest means to reach through the curtain that separates the visible world from the invisible world, grab something from the invisible world, and bring it back into the physical world. And the word “manifest” literally means “to show up in your hand,” and what do I mean by “show up in your hand?” Let us take this chair that is here in front of me. It is a physical chair that you can touch, feel, and see.
It is made up of invisible molecules that you cannot touch, You cannot feel or see the molecules, so everything physical is made of something invisible. Maybe it represents the fact that we were created by an all-knowing, invisible God. What does the Bible say about Yahweh? Yahweh is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. So, what does a spirit in truth look like? A spirit is invisible; the essence of life is invisibility. So, I do not want you to go through life making the mistake of thinking that the physical world is the real world and the invisible world is just an imaginary world.
Are You physical Or Spiritual?
Which world do you perceive as real?
No, no, no, no, it is not how this works; it is the physical world that manifests in your hand as a result of your believing in the invisible world. This same chapter tells us about one particular person, Moses, and I am sure you know who Moses was. It says, “By faith, Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents”. That means his parents had faith, so they hid him when Pharaoh was killing all the baby boys in Egypt: “By faith, Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months of his parents because they saw he was a proper child, and they were not afraid of the king’s commandment.”
By faith. Moses, when he came of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter because Pharaoh’s daughter had adopted him. “Choosing to suffer affliction with Yahweh people than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; esteeming the reproach of Yeshua greater riches than the treasures in Egypt out of respect for the recompense of the reward.” And then it says, “By faith, he forsook Egypt.” Moses was an heir to the Pharaoh; he was adopted by the Pharaoh’s daughter; he was an adopted grandson of the king of Egypt. By faith, he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king.
He endured; how did he endure? By keeping his gaze fixed on Him who is invisible? So, you have got to discipline yourself, to learn to look through the physical world, to the invisible realm, and to see the possibilities that are there.
Call to Action
But more importantly, see the promises and the principles that give you the ability to manifest from the casual realm (spirit world) to the physical world. And believe that those manifestations will be true so that you will be proactive and produce what Yahweh intended for you to produce. Invisibility is a reality; physicality is merely a manifestation of that reality. What does that mean? That means heaven is more real than Earth. That means Yahweh is more real than man, and the spirit is more real than material things. Be blessed, and start believing now.
Let me know your thoughts and understanding about your experiences with faith