Management, The Best Way To Success.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Management - The bestway to success

Management is the best way to success. Let me tell you what is essential: Yahweh wants you to manage. People who have been careful with their resources and have disciplined themselves to manage over a long period are the people to whom Yahweh gives more. And you claim Yahweh used to bless you; do you know why your blessings have stopped? He cannot figure out what you are doing with the blessing. So, this is the principal key that I want you to keep in mind. Yahweh made man to manage; if you manage, Yahweh promotes you; if you manage, Yahweh will protect you. Management is the foundation of kingdom life; if you manage, Yahweh will prosper you.

Yahweh’s Original Plan

Yahweh put you on earth for management, and for that reason exclusively. The word “managed” begins with the word “man,” referring to the age where man is responsible for Yahweh’s resources. Managing simply means you are in charge of another person’s resources. Yahweh gave man dominion over the earth, which is management, and all humans are managers over Yahweh’s property. Yahweh gave you rulership rather than ownership, so you will always be a manager, which means that in Yahweh’s kingdom, no one owns anything. Even those who claim to be owners do not own anything on earth.

“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; and the world, and they that dwell therein.” So no matter who claims ownership, Yahweh is saying you are only a manager in His eyes. He is watching how you manage His resources. Accountability is the natural by-product of management; Yahweh will examine your ability to account for what He has given you. This includes everything from time, relationships, money, investment, people, opportunities, and how you manage everything. Yahweh is watching you because you can mismanage relationships and your marriage. Effective management determines the number of your resources.

You can always tell who is a good manager because they continue to attract more.

Add Value

So, to refresh your memory, what exactly is management? Take note of this, and those in business should take note of it twice. The effective, efficient, correct, and timely use of another person’s resources is referred to as management. And you do it for the purpose for which they have delegated it, to generate the expected added value. Management is thus the correct, efficient, and timely usage of another person’s resources. Can I put it another way: to provide them with a report on what they expected you to gain from the investment?

A good manager always adds value to what they are given. A good manager always adds value to the responsibilities that have been delegated to them. Value is the proof of good management; this is management.

The Parable Of The Talents

Remember the servants who were given talents? In the parable of the talents, remember the servant who was given one talent? He took the one talent and buried it in the ground. According to the Bible, he said to himself, I have to keep this because I have to give it back to the master. I know he is a hard man. The Bible says that when the master came back, the servant who had five had doubled it to make ten, and the servant who had two had made it four. But the servant, given the one talent, still had the one talent.

Listen to the master’s response. First, he called the servant lazy and then wicked. Wickedness is when you mismanage any of Yahweh’s resources, which is wickedness. Wickedness, to Yahweh, is when you take something that he gave you and make it lose value. According to the Bible, Yeshua said, and the master said to the servant, “At least you could have put it in the bank and gained interest on the money.” In other words, management must do something to add value. If you are not working, at least let the money work for you. You must understand the concept of adding value..

What Is Your Worth?

How valuable have you become at your job? What kind of contribution do you make to that department? How did you make yourself so valuable that you are the last person they consider getting rid of? Yahweh gave you the job, and you were given an opportunity; have you added value to it? And adding value does not imply showing up to work. It means being creative on the job and coming up with ideas to make the business grow because you are there. So coming up with ideas to make the department expand and finding some new ideas to bring more business to your area is management.

You are the type of person they would rather not get rid of. Some people only come to work to collect their salary; do you add value? To put it another way, Yahweh will give you what you can manage, rather than what you pray for. Number two, economise, means to maximise the minimum; to be economical, you should get the most out of the least. I would like to encourage some of you young people to pray to Yahweh not to become lawyers or doctors. No, becoming farmers and horticulturists—people who can produce food—is what we need.

Management or Prayers?

Let me tell you something: those who produce food will become the world’s most valuable people because you cannot eat a computer. When you add value to your gift, you act as a magnet for God’s resources; answered prayer is determined by your ability to manage. It makes no difference what you are praying for; God is watching to see if you can manage it. He does not consider what you ask for; rather, He considers what you do with what you have, as this determines whether He should answer your prayer. Because your ability to manage what you are asking for governs your prayer.

And most of you would die if your prayer was answered. Imagine you are praying to the Lord for a million pounds; if it fell into your lap right now, it would kill ninety percent of readers of this blog, and it would only endure for ninety days.

How Wasteful Are You?

Yahweh does not encourage waste, so how He responds to you depends on your understanding of management. As a result, start going through your house right now and checking out all of your junk. The account of how Yeshua fed the five thousand with five loaves and two fish can be found in Mark 6:31–44. The people sat down in groups of hundreds and fifty, and Yeshua took the five loaves and two fishes, giving thanks and breaking them before giving them to the disciples to distribute to the crowds. They all ate and were satisfied after he distributed the two fish among them as well.

Management- The bestway to success

However, this is the bit that caught my attention: the disciples reportedly gathered up twelve baskets full of broken pieces. He hates waste, and you are going to feed the five thousand. He said, “Pick up every crumb” in an attempt to teach them a management lesson. Do you know where everything in your finances is? It is a good time to hold a rummage sale or garage sale if you have a lot of things you need to get rid of. Sell them cheaply to make some money while cleaning the house. That is good management. Management is defined as diligence with resources.

I want you to remember this verse from the Bible: Proverbs 13:22 says, “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the righteous.”

Call To Action

There is no such thing as fast and easy money in this world; some of you are playing the lottery, gambling, and doing other things to make quick money. Plan your way to success; add value to your worth, manage your resources little by little with what you have and watch your life grow.

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As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

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