How Preventing Limiting Beliefs Makes You Free

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.


How Preventing limiting belief sets you free

Words That Limit Belief

Childhood Is When Limiting Beliefs Start

How Preventing limiting belief sets you free

Beliefs That Limit Us

How Preventing limiting belief sets you free

Ways To Overcome Limiting Beliefs

Be mindful of your thoughts.This is the first step towards making any kind of change. Where did that concept originate? What is it that is making you feel this way?
Name what you are thinking.What limiting mindset is preventing you from making time or taking action? Put it on paper and give it a name.
Inquire of Yahweh if it is true.In prayer, bring your limiting beliefs to Yahweh and ask Him to reveal to you what is true.
“However, when he, the Spirit of Truth, comes, he will lead you into all truth.” He will not talk on his own; he will only speak what he hears and tell you what is to come.” John 16:13 NIV
Change your perspective.Instead of stating, “I could never do that,” ask, “How could I do that?”
Rather than expressing, “I am afraid of making a mistake,” add, “Mistakes help me learn and improve.”
Consider what assistance and support you might require to move forward.
When the limiting notion comes, write down and speak out the reframed thought.
When He (the Holy Spirit) hears, He will speak and tell you what is to come.”
Practice being honest with yourself.Yahweh’s Word is truth. Spend a few minutes composing or typing a few Bible verses that address one of your limiting beliefs. You can use this truth from Yahweh’s Word to displace the untruth whenever it arises in your mind. Read the verse aloud several times to rebuild your brain’s neural circuits with honest self-talk.
Consider the following if you have limiting beliefs about taking action: writing, typing, speaking, or singing.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13;
Ways To Overcome Limiting Beliefs.

Watch Your Thinking

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
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